Talented office worker Ha-Gong Park’s life takes an unexpected turn when Jin Woon, a former friend who confessed his feelings for him years ago, joins the company. As their mutual attraction rekindles, Ha-Gong begins to notice that Woon keeps avoiding any physical contact. Frustrated and confused, Ha-Gong decides to visit Woon’s home late at night—only to see a stranger leaving Woon’s place...(Source: Lezhin US)
- Chapter count includes a prologue.
- Part of Lezhin's Gwanggong Collection (광공단편선). A gwanggong (광공, hanja: 狂攻) character is obsessed with the object of their desire, similar to the Japanese "yandere". Scanlations have erroneously translated this to "GwangGong Apartment/Industrial Complex", which may have caused confusion.