A collection of 12 short stories published in one volume by Shogakukan in 1988. A fantasy about a middle-aged office worker who trains every day in order to become Japan's first astronaut. This work also includes other earlier short stories, such as Beta!!.
(Source: Wikipedia)
1. N・A・S・A PART1
2. N・A・S・A PART2
3. Scenario (シナリオ)
4. Crash Dance (クラッシュ・ダンス)
5. Children Children (チルドレン・チルドレン)
6. Return
7. Tsutome Hito Hashiru!! (勤め人走る!!)
8. Street Corner Gangs (ストリート・コーナー・ギャングズ)
9. BETA!!
10. Old Western Mama (オールド・ウエスタン・ママ)
11. Mighty Boy Part 1 (マイティ・ボーイ PART1)
12. Mighty Boy Part 2 (マイティ・ボーイ PART2)