Sweet stories of love with a side of luscious honeys are always rated five stars!
Down in the dumps after being rejected by his crush, Shouji is coming to the realization that he's going to have a pretty lonely Christmas. The feeling gets worse when he runs into his annoying nuisance of a childhood friend, Mizuki. Her cheerful personality and determination to try and cheer him up leaves him feeling as though she's just teasing and so he demands she quit being so nosey.
Mizuki distresses and worried tears roll down her blushing face, making Shouji's heart soften. After updating her on his romantic debacle, Mizuki's shining smile turns flirtatious, knowing how she can really cheer him up. Mizuki is gonna give him a Christmas he'll never forget, and it won't just be Shouji's heart that grows three sizes larger!
Creamy Triumph is the newest elating release from kakao. Serving up ten delectable chapters, kakao's leading stars radiate beauty and class, but when they're served a strapping meal, their thirst gets the better of them and they'll savor every bite with a smile.
(Source: Fakku)
1. Melty Gal! (メルティギャル); 2018-12
2. Kokoro no Wrapping (ココロノラッピング); 2019-09
3. Little Demon (リトルデーモン); 2019-11
4. Honto desu kara♡ (ホントですから♡); 2019-04
5. Risky Heaven (リスキーヘブン); 2019-01
6. Triple Heaven (トリプルヘブン); 2019-07
7. Hayase-senpai to Miwaku no Biyaku (早瀬先輩と魅惑の美脚); 2017-07
8. Rumi no Hatsukoi Surfing (留美の初恋サーフィン); 2017-09
9. Shinjin no Ore ga Totsuzen Urekko Sakka no Tantou ni Natta Ken (新人の俺が突然売れっ子作家の担当になった件); 2017-03
10. Namaiki☆ (ナ・マ・イ・キ☆); 2019-05